What is a Sub-ohm Tank? 1 Related Questions

What is a Sub-ohm Tank? 1 Related Questions

More and more sub-ohm tank options appear to meet the needs of each customer.

Therefore, if you are reading this article, you may ask, “What is a sub-ohm tank?”

This is the guide that Vape Gia Re will provide.

What is a Sub-ohm Tank?

Đầu Tank Sub-ohm Là Gì? 1 Số Câu Hỏi

The sub-ohm tank is a vape automizer using occ, which can be manufactured and supplied by manufacturers on the market.

Just as the current is measured in amperes or meters, the resistance of the coil is measured in ohms, sometimes referred to as the Ω symbol.

Most standard replacement heads for sub-ohm tank range from 0.2 Ω to 1.2 Ω.

When the coil resistance is measured below 1.2 ohms, the term sub-ohm is used.

What is the difference between Occ of Sub-ohm Tank?

Coil Occ Geekvape Z Series Zeus Z2 0.2Ω

The lower the coil resistance, the higher the current required.

For example, if you use 0.2 ohm occ, you must set the wattage to be higher than or equal to about 50W.

Higher current means more power can reach the coil faster. This leads to faster heating speed and higher temperature of the coil.

The hotter coil will lead to the increase of evaporative electronic liquid. When combined with the air flow, it will increase the amount of cloud and taste.

Should sub-ohm tank use MTL or DTL?

Đầu Tank Sub-ohm Là Gì? 1 Số Câu Hỏi

Almost all sub-ohm tank require short and definite inhalation.

Learn more: For more information, see our MTL vs DTL guide.

The initial habit is very strange, because when we smoke, we will slowly inhale.

You are used to it, but if you are the kind of person who doesn’t want to smoke too much, the sub-ohmic fuel tank may not be suitable for you.

In addition, there are some sub-ohm tanks that can use two suction methods at the same time, so you can choose according to your preferences.

Should the e-liquid of the sub-ohm tank can be ni-salt or freebase?

If you have been using electronic cigarettes, you are likely to use both low and high nicotine.

However, when using high Watt for sub-ohh, it is recommended to use low-nicotine e-liquid.

This is because when you inhale DLT by sub-ohm, there will be no greater “impact”.

If you evaporate e-liquid 30 mg of nicotine, its use may be too strong.

For most people, evaporation of sub-ohm with high nicotine is almost unbearable!

Personally, I use 30ni salt to smoke in my pod system, but when I smoke vape with sub-ohm tank, I will reduce nicotine to 6 mg, sometimes to 3 mg.

So remember this.

Do I need a suitable Vape Mod to use with sub-ohm tank?

Make sure to carefully check the resistance requirements of the vape coil you use.

However, it must be pointed out that most of the latest vape mods on the market are for the sub-ohm tank.

In addition, you only need to pay attention to how many power of your vape. You will know which atomizer is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of sub-ohm tank?


Suitable for people who have just played vape or have played vape for a long time.

It is easy to change occ.

Use the right OCC to ensure cloud and flavor.

It is easy to find alternatives.


If you don’t pay attention to the content of e-liquid, it will burn quickly.

It cannot be re-used. You need to replace it with a new occ.

Use only within a certain wattage range.

Not applicable to Pod system.

If you have any other questions or need any suggestions, please leave a message on the fanpage at any time.

We will do our best to guide you in the right direction!

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